
Concept Explanation


Rabies: A type of virus causes rabies, which is a fatal disease of the central nervous system. The virus is transmitted by animal bite. It grows and reproduces in animals such as dogs, bats, jackals, monkeys, cats and squirrels. An animal affected by the disease is called rabid. When a rabid animal bites a human, the virus enters the person’s body. Rabies affects the central nervous system (CNS) of the patient, who dies within 3-5 days of the onset of the disease.

Signs and Symptoms: The symptoms of rabies start with headache and fever. This is followed by salivation, muscle pain in the throat, and periods of excitement and depression. Finally, the throat muscles become paralysed, and the patient is unable to swallow and drink water. This leads to a fear of water (hydrophobia). Human rabies is therefore also called hydrophobia.

Control: Once the disease develops, no drug can save the patient. Chance of surviving after being bitten by a rabid animal is to eliminate the virus before it affects the CNS (Central Nervous System)

Prevention after an animal bite: The following steps should be taken to prevent rabies when an animal bites a person.

  • The bite wound should be washed immediately with soap and water. This removes most of the viruses. 
  • The patient should then receive an antirabies serum shot.
  • This should be followed by a course of vaccine shots. Older vaccines required 16 injections. Newer vaccines require 5 injections given over a period of time. The vaccines used most commonly nowadays are HDCV (human diploid-cell vaccine) and RVA (rabies vaccine adsorbed). The first antirabies vaccine was developed by the famous French scientist Louis Pasteur (1822—95), who was also the first to identify the rabies virus.
  • General preventive measures: Pets such as dogs and cats should be given antirabies vaccine. Stray animals should not be allowed to roam our streets. All those who handle animals regularly (zookeepers, veterinary surgeons) should take antirabies vaccine.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which part of the nervous system affects Rabies ?

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following disease is communicable and 100 % fatal if NOT controlled immediately?

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    What are the symptoms of Rabies ?

    Right Option : C
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